Monday, August 12, 2013

Grease 2

     Remember the first song of Grease 2? Well, I'm going back...back....back to school again. After seven years out of public education life has me turning around again. I'm good with it. I'm anxious in these final days, though. I'm hoping the more things have changed, the more they've stayed the same.
     I'll be using this blog to document the ups and downs, highs and lows, and victories... along with the inevitable defeats to follow. I've always said during these years of "freedom" that I never stopped being a teacher. Now I'm going to find out if I can still teach, make an impact, and help people. Hopefully someone will tell me to get out if I can't.
     Last week I spent three days in "professional development." Basically, I was learning about the new curriculum standards set to be in place by 2015. At first I was overwhelmed, then it started to dawn on me that I'd seen it before, just with different labels, sans technology. Then it occurred to me that the new writing standards will ultimately produce a nation of bloggers. So, I figured I better become one myself. Hence, my re-edufication. (I like to mess with words.) 
     In the meantime, I have three days before reporting for my next "training," so I'm gonna do what any self-respecting T-Bird would do before senior year: ride my bike.